Monday, May 17, 2010


Baby charlotte was 6 weeks old, and wanted to look around at everything, not curl up and sleep lol. but we still got some cute shots of her :) I think she fell asleep at the end out of pure exhaustion, but then the fun began with cute hats, and scarfs and cute cocoon.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

24hours old...

I went back the next day to get some newborn snuggles. I had to look at her all over, the teeny toes, and the little fingers, chubby cheeks and the fluffy newborn hair. She is beautiful.


Homebirth. Amazing. Powerful.
Last week I had the greatest honour to watch a special little girl come into this world. Tracey birthed Tahnee in water, in a comfortable home environment. It was dark and quiet and it was just amazing to watch a woman take complete control of her body, to ride the waves of contractions, withdrawing into herself bringing her daughter closer to earthside with each painful minute.
granted homebirth isnt for everyone, it takes a special momma to do this, and I am so proud of my friend for achieving this.
I was shaking, and I have wanted to see a birth for some time now. I am so thankful for the experience.
This photo is just moments after she was born, and was lifted out of the water, when baby and mum met eachother....and then a few moments later the reality sets in. She's here!!! all the pain is going, we have a baby!!!! there is no words to describe the moment. those who have had children know the feeling well, and to be on the other side, the emotions are no less than if it was your own baby.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Emily and Sam

Two young ladies having a bit of fun in their ball dresses at Cockman house.

Todd & Suzanne

Congratulations Suzanne and Todd!!!
Two amazing people, both with beautiful families, inside and out!!!
thanks for a wonderful day, and I hope you are enjoying your honeymoon.
Here are just a few pictures from your day :)